The life and times of some guy
Utah Arts Festival – 2014
Utah Arts Festival – 2014

Utah Arts Festival – 2014

Utah is a beautiful place in the summertime which makes it a perfect location for its many festivals, shows and concerts. Any of these is a great place to bring a camera and get some interesting shots while taking in the summer air with friends. This last weekend Jessica and I went with a couple of friends to the Utah Arts Festival. Here’s our haul of photos.

Jessica enjoying art

A cool shot of some bottles taken by Jessica.

Jessica enjoying art

Jessica enjoying some of the art

The library in all of its glory

A cool shot of the SLC Library

Stone faces

More stone faces

This one booth had cool stone faces. These made for some of my favorite photos. Jessica took the second photo.

UAF Musician

Another cool shot by Jessica. This guy played a good variety of songs. We didn’t buy his cd, though. Also, he made no mention of being on Spotify… so we’ll likely never hear him again

The gang chilling by the robots

Here are Garret, Erin and Jessica chilling out by the Robots…

…The Robots

Robot with ray gun

robo gator

robo fist


Space monkey


More monsters

I really like these guys

Robo Phoenix

Eventually we left

The gang chilling on the sidewalk

Here we are just before our departure. A local photographer by the name of L. M. Sorenson was so impressed by our vibe that he couldn’t help but photograph us. Thanks L. M. You did the world a favor.

Cinnamon almonds

Snacks on the way out. Cinnamon Almonds, in case you’re wondering.

Abandoned warehouse

On the walk back we walked past this abandoned warehouse. I only got one decent shot of it… THIS Shot!

Creepy mirror shot

On the way home, we got some Mad Greek. It was as good a spot as any to grab one closing photo. Enjoy.

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